Breast augmentation is a major cosmetic surgery procedure involving a considerable recovery period. A woman who is planning to undergo this surgery should budget time for recovery. She should be prepared to follow the surgeon’s recovery instructions diligently in order to minimize the duration of downtime and overall recovery.
Dr. Brian J. Parker is a committed plastic surgeon providing breast augmentation and various other surgical and non-surgical cosmetic procedures. Dr. Parker will discuss the recovery aspects in detail during the initial consultation. He provides breast augmentation to patients in Las Vegas and surrounding locations.
Estimated Downtime
The downtime will vary from one patient to another, but in many cases, a patient can return to work after a week, as long as her job does not involve much physical movement and strenuous activity. In case, her job is more physically demanding, she may have to stay for an additional week at home before returning to work.
In any case, during the first week, the patient should limit her movement and get plenty of rest following breast augmentation plastic surgery. Lifting of heavy weights, bending or straining should be avoided, as these can delay healing and cause pain. The patient may consult the surgeon about when to return to the workplace, depending on her condition.
Overall Recovery Time
The total amount of time required for recovery will largely depend upon the technique of implant placement used. If the implants are placed above the pectoral muscle, the overall recovery time will be considerable shorter that in a case where the implants are place below the pectoral muscle.
While bruising will begin to subside from the second week, swelling in the incision areas may take a few months to disappear complexly. The cosmetic surgeon will advise specific instructions to make the overall recovery time as short and painless as possible.
Patient’s commitment to follow the surgeon’s instructions during recovery and make all the scheduled post-op visits to the surgeon’s office will help her to enjoy more sustainable outcomes and years of satisfaction. Dr. Parker receives patients from Las Vegas and nearby areas for breast augmentation.
First Week
Mild pain and fatigue will usually persist in the first few days. The surgeon will prescribe medications to manage the pain in the initial period. The patient should preferably have someone to stay with her for the first two to three days to assist with daily chores at home. The gauze dressings applied to the incision areas will be removed in a few days and replaced with a surgical bra. Stitches and drains may be removed in about a week to 10 days.
First Few Months
Swelling and sensitivity in the breasts will persist for the first several weeks. Physical contact with the breasts should be minimized until the sensitivity subsides. This will reduce the risk of injury and delayed recovery.
Vigorous activities and exercises should be resumed only three to four weeks after surgery. Recovery is a spectacular part of the breast augmentation procedure, and the patient should have a clear understanding of the time and commitment it requires.
If you would like to learn more about the plastic surgery procedures and treatments performed by Las Vegas Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Brian J. Parker by contacting us at (702) 240-9500.